Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The BAAHE conference

I must admit that I was not exactly pleased with the idea of getting up at 7.30 on a Saturday morning. But I knew that this BAAHE conference would be something rather unique. I was not mistaken.
The conference took place on the 22nd of November 2008 at the FUNDP’s arts faculty. It consisted of a succession of lecture sessions. A single thing was common to all of these lectures: the love of English. From 10.30 to 12.30, we attended the plenary lecture by Barbara Dancygier on material objects as discourse participants in dramatic and poetic discourse. I really liked this lecture and particularly the part on drama based on Shakespeare’s plays! I thought it was extremely clear and interesting. Moreover, it crossed the boundaries between linguistics and literature and also (for the drama part) between text and stage, showing that the both of them are closely linked. After a very good lunch, the conference started again at 1.30 with parallel sessions devoted to literature, linguistics and ELT. As I was interested in all of these branches, I tried to hear a little bit of everything. There were quite a lot of lectures (six, to be more precise), so it was sometimes difficult to follow and to listen attentively to all of them.
But in the end, I must say that I am glad of having got up early! It was indeed an opportunity to be present at a conference which gathers so many English language specialists.

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